Order of Worship
Welcome to UBC’s Worship Service!
We’re delighted to have you join us at UBC. Our services follow a familiar rhythm that helps us connect with the Divine and with each other.
Here’s what you can loosely expect during our time together:
The Bell Rings
As the cowbell rings, we invite you to find your seat and settle in. This sound connects us to the land, the university, and a story bigger than ourselves, marking the start of our worship.
Lighting the Candle
Watch as we light the candle(s) to center our focus. The light symbolizes the presence of Christ among us, guiding our thoughts and hearts. On communion days, two candles remind us of the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Call to Worship
We gather our thoughts with a prayer or scripture, often from the Revised Common Lectionary. Together, we respond in unison, uniting our voices in praise and reflection.
Singing Together
Whether you sing along or simply listen, our songs are a shared expression of faith that nourishes our spirits and strengthens our community.
Missions Moment
We take a moment to focus on our mission work, whether in the local community or beyond. It’s a time to reflect on how we can support and uplift those in need.
Prayers of the People
This is an open time to share your joys, concerns, and requests. Whether spoken or silent, our prayers connect us, reminding us that we are not alone in our struggles or celebrations.
Another Song
Join in singing or listen as we lift our voices once more. This moment is about joy, connection, and expressing our shared faith.
Invitation to Give
As the offering plate is passed, we sing together. This act of giving supports the ministries that extend our reach beyond the walls of UBC, helping those in our local community and around the world.
Scripture Reading
We listen to the reading of scripture, grounding us in the long story of faith. We affirm this connection by responding, “Thanks be to God.”
The Sermon
A time for listening, learning, and reflection. The sermon challenges us and encourages us to grow in our living faith.
On communion days, we invite you to come forward to receive the bread and juice, symbols of Christ’s life and love. Whether you partake or not, know that you are blessed and chosen.
Song of Response
We close with a song that invites reflection and response. It’s also a time to come forward if you seek special prayer, baptism, or to join our community.
Stay informed with the latest news and updates from our church family. This is your chance to hear about upcoming events and ways to get involved.
We end our time together with a blessing, sending you out into the world to love God fully and love your neighbor as yourself.